Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yay 2,000+ Hits!

Monday October 30th, 2006:

I said to myself...

"self...I think I'll start a blog"

and so I did...

I checked my counter today and was surpised to see that I had 2,154 hits! Yay!

Pooh and I want to thank all of you for visiting my blog ^_^
And definitely a big thanks to everyone that has added me to their blog list.

Moody's Gorgeous Life
and whatifikissyou for mentioning me in a post ^_^


Anonymous said...

Congrats! ...Here's the the next 2000!

teazed said...

Congrats :-)

Hazen said...

2,142. WOW

As for pics of you and pooh having sex, keep us in suspense, don't give everything away.

The posts of you masturbating are enough, but maybe you can show us your other solo talent. It wil guarantee 4000 hits before the middle of the month